January 2022 Meeting Minutes
The City Council of the City of Woden met in regular session on Monday January 3,2022 at 6:00pm, Council Chambers.
The meeting was called to order by Mayor Paul Buns at 6:00pm.
Council members present were: Bill Rout, Jeff Stucki, David Ewald, Dylan Brandt and Tip Piper. Absent: none
Piper made the motion to approve the agenda, minutes written for December 1st, 2021 meeting and payment of bills totaling $32,768.45 and financial reports, Ewald seconded.
Ayes- 5 Nays- 0 Motion Carried
Ordinance NO. 224- Official Posting Location- 3rd Reading: Stucki made motion to approve 3rd reading of Ordinance NO. 224, Piper seconded.
Ayes- 5 Nays-0 Motion Carried
Having no written or oral comments from the public, Piper made the motion to pass Ordinance #224, Rout seconded.
Stucki – Aye, Rout – Aye, Piper – Aye, Ewald – Aye, Brandt – Aye Motion carried.
Ordinance NO. 226 - Public Disorder- 2nd Reading: Rout made motion to approve 2nd reading, Piper seconded.
Ayes- 5 Nays-0 Motion Carried
Ordinance NO.225- Garbage Rates- 2nd Reading: Piper made motion to approve 2nd reading, Ewald seconded.
Ayes- 5 Nays-0 Motion Carried
City Clerk & Assistant City Clerk Positions: discussed
Legal Publications: As the city’s population is under 200 according to the recent census the city is no longer required to publish in a paper. Items will be posted in the Post Office, Library and at City Hall.
Council Duties: Ewald – Mayor Pro Tem, Parks and Community Growth, Stucki – Tile and Sewer, Rout - Parks and Community Growth, Piper – Water, Brandt – Streets
Maintenance Person: Ben Patten was hires to be lead maintenance person and work towards getting certified to do water and sewer, Matt Swingen was also hired to assist. Starting wage of $14.00 per hour increasing to $18.00 upon completion of certifications.
2022-2023 Budget: Ewald made the motion to set Maximum Tax Levy public hearing for February 7, 2022 at 6:00, council chambers, Stucki seconded. Ayes- 5 Nays- 0 Motion Carried
Budget was worked on.
Adjournment: Stucki made motion to adjourn at 7:56pm, Piper seconded.
Ayes- 5 Nays- 0 Motion Carried
City Clerk Mayor
Income December
General $11,525.92 Library $87.18 Road $347.76 Water $3,000.23 Sewer $6,362.49
BROWN KATHY $2,500.00
BUNS PAUL $20,244.38
Harms Nancy $806.63
SHANKS JAMES $1,384.00
SWINGEN LISA $4,858.00
SWINGEN MATT $3,033.64
EDEN KRISTEN $2,222.54
US Postal Service stamped envelopes
Woden Public Library allotment
Hancock County Law Enforcement Contract
USDA Loan loan Payment USDA
USDA Loan loan Payment USDA
USDA Loan loan Payment USDA
Hancock County Auditor Elections
Michael Troe November
Woden City Sewer Sewer
Allaint - Water Electric
Alliant- Road Electric
Allaint - Ball field Electric
Prairie Energy CO-OP Electric
Hanna Woodworking sidewalk at PO
Alliant - Street Lights Electric
Murra Hardware supplies
Waste Management Garbage
Ag Source Samples
Gold-Eagle fuel
WCTA-General Phone/Internet
ClerkBooks Inc software
Paul M Buns fuel & mileage
Buns, Paul wage
Schimmelpfennig, Deb wage
Eden, Kristin wage
IPERS Nov & Dec
Internal Revenue Withholding Nov & Dec
Iowa Dept of Revenue 4th qtr withholdings
Iowa Dept of Revenue 4th qtr WET tax
Iowa Dept of Revenue 4th qtr sales tax
WCTA-General Phone/Internet
North Iowa Media publication
Matt Swingen wage
Ben Patten wage